For those of you who used to surf at home would know where his name modem. Without a modem, we will not be able to surf or her email on the internet. Modem stands for modulator demodulator, which is the hardware that makes a computer capable of converting data from / into the analog form (sound signal) and digital.
Modulator is the part that convey information signal into a carrier signal (Carrier) to be sent to the recipient via cable media or media without wires (wireless).
Modulators are currently on the sender. While the demodulator is the opposite of the modulator, which converts the signal contains data or messages from the carrier signal (carrier) received from the sender so that information can be processed digitally.
Demodulator is located at the receiver. Because the function of the modulator and demodulator is a function that reverses, then surely it can be concluded that this modem is a two-way communication system (duplex).
How Modem Work
In use, the modem charge of changing the data in the form of analog and digital.
When the computer is connected to a cable internet phone for later use, if the computer we will upload / send data, the information / data from a computer in digital form is converted by the modem into analog form to be sent over telephone lines or other media.
When the data / information analog to the destination computer before, then the modem is on the destination computer will turn back the form data (analog) into digital form that can be processed by the computer this goal.
Similarly, when we download the data / files, the data is analog data while on the phone cord, but when entered into our computer, the modem will immediately convert it into digital form to be displayed. This is what allows the computers on the Internet in various parts of the world can interact with each other.
Type of Modem:
Physically, the modem is divided into two kinds: internal and external modems.
Modem Internal
Modem internal merupakan modem yang terpasang di dalam casing komputer. Jika sebuah modem dipasang dengan cara membuka casing komputer lalu menancapkannya ke dalam salah satu slot pada motherboard, maka modem tersebut adalah modem internal.
Contoh lain adalah modem pada laptop. Saat membeli laptop, modem tersebut telah ada di dalam laptop tersebut. Modem internal memerlukan sebuah slot PCI atau slot ISA, tergantung pada interface motherboard. Karena tertancap pada motherboard, maka modem ini menggunakan catu daya yang berasal dari motherboard.
External Modem
Contrary to the internal modem, external modem outside the computer case. The shape of the box and must be connected to the computer and also connected to telephone wires. This modem requires its own power supply. Serial connector can be shaped and can also be shaped USB.
There are two types of external modems, the cable modem and DSL modem. Cable modems are external modems that are commonly used and connected to a computer via an Ethernet card in a PCI slot. While the DSL modem is a modem for high speed internet.
Striking difference between the internal and external modems are:
- Generally, an external modem cost more expensive than internal modems.
- External Modem is a separate / outside of the computer. Meanwhile, an internal modem installed directly on the motherboard expansion slot.
- external modem has an indicator which allows us to monitor the status of the modem. While the internal modem does not have a status indicator.
Other types of modem :
Cable Modem
As the name implies, a cable modem is a cable axis, the cable television network that provides bandwidth better than dial-up modem commuter. Access is fast enough, ie for downstream transmission up to 38 Mbit / s and upstream transmission up to 1 Mbit / s.
Modem DSL-Modem DSL (Digital Subscriber Line)

Wireless modem and phone modem, Wireless Modem / Phone Modem

Installing Modem
All computer hardware has a driver (the software controls the hardware detection) to be able to use it. This also applies to the modem. After we connect the modem to the computer via the connector, we also have to install a driver program which typically have been provided a package with the modem.
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